We collect non-public personal information about you as a consumer, customer, or former customer from the following sources:
- Information we receive from you on application, loans documents,sales documents , or other forms;
- Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others
- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.
We may disclose the following kinds of non-public information about you as a consumer, customer,or former customer:
- Information we receive from you on applications or others forms,such as your name,address,social security number,income and debts;
- Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others, such as your account balance and payment history:and
- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency ,such as credit-worthiness and credit history. We may disclose non-public personal information about you as a consumer, or former customer to the following types of affiliated/or non-affiliated third parties:
- Financial service providers, including consumer reporting agencies, finance companies, other credit grantors, or insurance agents; or Non-financial companies, such as direct marketers. We may also disclose non-public information about you as a consumer, customer or former customer to other affiliated or non-affiliated third parties as permitted by law.
We restrict access to non-public information about you as a consumer, customer or former customer to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you.We maintain safeguards which restrict access to your non-public personal information. If you prefer that we not disclose non-public personal information about you as a consumer, customer, or former customer to non-affiliated third parties, you may opt out of those disclosures, that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted by law). If you wish to opt out of disclosures to non affiliated third parties, you may do so by filling out the OPT OUT REQUEST FORM below and then returning it to us.
For questions or Complaints about this loan, contact Holiday Finance CORP. at P.O. BOX 698 GONZALES, TEXAS 78629, LOANLUV.COM, . The lender is licensed and examined under Texas law by the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC), a state agency. If a complaint or question cannot be resolved by contacting the lender, consumers can contact the OCCC to file a complaint or ask a general credit-related question. OCCC address: 2601 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78705. Phone: (800) 538-1579. Fax: (512) 936-7610. Website: E-mail: .
Sources of Information
Loan processing requires us to collect non-public personal information about customers from different sources. We get information from the application process. Our company also uses information from your transactions with us. In addition, we get personal information from consumer reporting agencies. Our company collects the following data:
Name | Address | Social Security Number | Income | Debts | Account Balance | Payment History and Information | Credit History
Third Parties and Employees
Access to non-public personal information about clients and former clients is restricted only to employees who need the information in order to process your loan. We also disclose non-public personal information to the Consumer Reporting Agencies.